Sugar House Park is identified explicitly in the Salt Lake City (SLC) Code as a park to which ordinances under Chapter 15.08 Park Rules apply.

No Vending
There is no selling of goods or services of any kind in park boundaries.

No motorized vehicles on the grass
SLC 15.08.200
Vehicles (cycle or automobile) on designated roads only.

No damaging or removing property
SLC 15.08.150
Injury or destruction of property, including structures or vegetation. No water play of any kind.

No Fireworks
SLC 15.08.100
The discharge of fireworks or explosives of any kind is prohibited

No Camping or
Overnight Use
SLC 15.08.080
No camping allowed.

No Alcohol
SLC 15.08.050
The consumption of alcohol and the possession of alcoholic beverages are prohibited.

No Smoking or Vaping
SLC 15.30.20
Under the Utah Clean Air Act, smoking, smokeless tobacco, and vaping (e-cigarettes) are all prohibited in or around city parks.

No Illegal Discharge of Firearms
SLC 15.08.100
No discharge of firearms or explosives.

No Posting of Signs or Flyers
SLC 15.08.040
No signs or bills may be posted on structures in the Park. Political or campaign signs are prohibited.

No Fires Outside of Designated Areas
SLC 15.08.090
No making of fires outside of designated areas.

No Swimming or Wading
SLC 15.08.180
No person shall swim, bathe or wade in the waters of any fountain, pond, lake or stream not set aside for that purpose.

No Unauthorized
Refer to FAA Policy regarding flying drones in public spaces and Utah State Civil Laws regarding privacy.
Help us keep the Park Beautiful

All state and local traffic laws apply and are enforced.

One Way Road
Park road is one-way (counterclockwise) and one-lane.

Speed Limit in 20 mph
All state and local traffic laws apply and are enforced.

No Parking on
Inside Curb
The left lanes are reserved for walkers, runners, and bicyclists. Parking is prohibited along the inside curb.

Rules about Animals

Dogs must be on a leash at all times.
SLC 15.08.070
All dogs in Sugar House Park must be on a leash and controlled by their owners or caretakers. Sugar House Park has no off-leash areas for dogs. Fairmont Park offers an off-Leash Fenced Area (located in the southeast corner of the park)

Pick up after your dogs.
Bag and dispose of dog waste in a trash receptacle.

Do not feed any wildlife.
SLC 15.08.070
Rotting bread can cause surface algae, which can affect humans and dogs, give ducks diseases, and makes the water smell.